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FAQ at Staff Only. Thank You! "Horizontal NavBar"
Category: Links Management
Help Details - Webs-a-gogo Online Training System (OTS)

Dept:      Category:  
Help Category: Links Management   |    Help ItemNo:  1026091429
Help Details: Horizontal NavBar
To activate the horizontal navigation bar in your site,  login to the Control Center and click on the NavBar Main Links Edit icon.
You will then see the Nav-Bar Main Links Edit page.  In the head of the page is a dropdown.  If you are using Webs-a-gogo's MPOP system you have the option of which site you want to edit and can choose it from this dropdown.  
If you want to use the Horizontal Navigation Bar check the Enable box and the click the Save Navbar Settings button.
Note:  The "NavBar Size" and "NavBar Main Button" size are preset and largely depend on the design of your site.  Though you have the capability to change them, we suggest you contact a Webs-a-gogo web specialist prior to doing so.
The page then changes and you now see a Disable box that is checked and the Edit Main Buttons feature.
You have the ability to use up to 10 main links on your Horizontal NavBar.  Each MainLink can also have sub-links.  To turn a link on/off, simply check/uncheck the Use/Show box located to the left of the link.
Enter the name you want to appear for the link in the MainLink Name box.
If you want a mouseover text for the link enter it in the MouseOver Description box
If the link will not have a sub-links menu, enter the Website Address (URL) that you want the link to point to.  Click here to view the Webs-a-gogo HELP for Module URL file paths.
In the Target box select whether to open the page in your site or in a new window outside your site.  Note: All Webs-a-gogo Press Articles are designed to safely open inside your site (same window).  URLs outside your site, PDF files you've uploaded to your site, etc should be opened in a New Window.
Click the Save Main Link Settings button to save your changes.  
To set up the Sub Links system click the NavBar Sub Links Edit icon in the Control Center
You will then see the Nav-Bar Sub Links Edit page.  In the head of the page is a dropdown.  If you are using Webs-a-gogo's MPOP system you have the option of which site you want to edit and can choose it from this dropdown.  
If the horizontal NavBar system has not been enabled you will see this message.   
Each Navigation Button you create in Nav-Bar Main Links Edit can have up to 10 Sub Links.  Each Main Link you create has its own editor in the Nav-Bar Sub Links Edit page.
To turn a link on/off, simply check/uncheck the Use/Show box located to the left of the link.
Enter the name you want to appear for the link in the MainLink Name box.
If you want a mouseover text for the link enter it in the MouseOver Description box
If the link will not have a sub-links menu, enter the Website Address (URL) that you want the link to point to.  Click here to view the Webs-a-gogo HELP for Module URL file paths.
In the Target box select whether to open the page in your site or in a new window outside your site.  Note: All Webs-a-gogo Press Articles are designed to safely open inside your site (same window).  URLs outside your site, PDF files you've uploaded to your site, etc should be opened in a New Window.
Note:  You can control the width of the Sub Button panel.  They are normally preset during the site design process.  Though you have the capability to change them, we suggest you contact a Webs-a-gogo web specialist prior to doing so.
Click the Save Sub Links on Main Link (#) button to save your changes.  
Last Modified:
10/27/2009     Date Entered 10/26/2009

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